Friends of George: The Daily Aus Co-Founder, Sam Koslowski

Friends of George
Team George
Sam Koslowski, Image Supplied

Friends of George: clever humans we love and admire, who love storytelling as much as we do.

Who: Sam Koslowksi, Co-Founder, The Daily Aus

What: “The Daily Aus is Australia’s fastest growing youth news outlet. We have an audience of 440,000 on Instagram, 200,000 downloads a month on our podcast, a 50,000-strong newsletter list and a couple of a million videos on TikTok each month.”

Why: “Our aim is to bring really high quality news to an audience that describe themselves as non-news people. We think there’s a better way to do news.”

Favourite social platform: “Instagram is my home. It’s my thing. I love innovating within the confines of the algorithm… I think there’s so much opportunity.”

Secret Content Vice: “I am an absolute sports fanatic. Those ESPN ‘30 in 30’ sports documentaries telling inspirational stories of the college basketball team that goes on to win the title for the first time… that’s how I wind down.”

Creator obsession: “1. The Late Show’s US comedian Stephen Colbert. I love him, he just captures the news, and humour, perfectly, every night. 10 minute monologues at the beginning of every show, that tell the news and make you laugh so much. For me, that’s the coolest gig ever. 2. The disability rights advocate Hannah Diviney, she does some incredible content. 3. Hamish Blake making a cake is my favourite content moment of the year, I think that’s social media at its best. 4. And my guilty pleasure creator is a kid called Miles Music Kid, he has 1.2 million followers on IG, he is a 6 year old music prodigy and he is the coolest kid ever. You will love him.”

Follow @TheDailyAus here, here and here; tell Sam you love him here.